The Big And Loving World, an Article by Philobells
by on November 9, 2021 in News 596 views

This is not a judgmental post but an expository and short writeup and is solely going to be a writeup lamenting about why we as human beings cannot live in peace and unity in achieving a common goal and striving towards a better live together rather than alone.

Am going to make reference to the bible at some point but only as an ancient historical book threading more emphasis on Love and division, am saying this to eliminate any thoughts of thinking about this writeup as a religious one.

Over the years I’ve looked at the improvements of world peace and the struggle of the human race, from the things they do to survive and their reactions to various life changing situations and confrontations, and although while I’ll say we are all human beings and hope for a better tomorrow, I also want to ask WHERE DO WE DRAW THE LINE on Disunity and Judgement?

The world may have separate eyes, separate minds, separate taste and separate properties but amidst everything, only one should be constant , which is LOVE. Love is the reason why we in Planet earth will live in peace amidst our different taste and properties, we where not born to be the same but we where born to tolerate those differences, in tolerance comes understanding and with understanding comes Love. Do you show love because you want something or you show love because it’s necessary?

Loving because of what you stand to gain is what creates division, because not everybody was born with a silver spoon but we all need one, and now I ask a question, who will love the poor or broken population? No one but you.

Loving with condition is a barrier to living in unity with one another, we should Live and understand we are living to love not loving to live. We might not all be where we want to be in life but with love, we will feel like we’ve been There.

Muslim, Christian, black, white, tall, short, whatever feature you have or possess from other people shouldn’t be a barrier because love is constant above everything. It is a proven fact that two is better than one and, as it says in the bible in Genesis 11:1–9 which explains why the world’s peoples speak different languages and the extent a Christian God took to make sure they are divided in order to dismiss and eliminate their common goal of perfection and independency as human beings. Imagine the extent to which God is willing to go to maintain being God, this tells us the extent to which we as human’s beings can achieve success if we stick, ride, live and function together.

We were not made the same, but we can learn to tolerate each other, we may not accept or live by the same rule, but we must learn to tolerate each other’s decisions regardless and stay together.

Division is never the answer to anything love and peace as we can achieve more together than against each other and On the religious aspect, The citizen who profess different religions share the same political boundary and must be collectively involved in the nation building process to enhance growth and development (Bidmos: 2006) and Under the Abbasid government, the Muslim interacted with the Jews and Christians on ideal basis through the accommodation of rights to freedom of religion and security of life. They had right to practice their religion in synagogues and Monasteries in Baghdad (Hitti: 1970). If all you need is freedom, then you should fight situations that threaten you and your Neighbours safety rather than judging the decisions or life of your Neighbour.

Most importantly, we are all brothers and sisters and scientifically we all belong to the same family kingdom. We are all apes and we may have differences but we are still apes, so when we learn to put down the cloak of judgement and love people regardless of who and what they are ,having the mind of our foundation, we will then be able to address life adjusting situations and be able to move and successfully improve our lives as human beings all over the world, tackling corrupt government, capitalist and the greedy brothers we have in the society hoping we divide just to gain from it.

Elizabeth Cousens (2001: 12) notes, ‘peacebuilding is not designed to eliminate conflict but to develop effective mechanisms by which a polity can resolve its rival claims, grievances and competition over common resources’.

I hope to point out the faults in the world, carefully pinpointing the causes of world division and a remedy to it but I’ll stop here for now as you all become conversant and familiar with this short writeup, as backbone to how and why my future writeups are established.

The aim of this writeup is to air my view and opinions on world problems and in no way should anyone look up to me as anything other than a brother and a human being but and I urge you to read, respect and let this writeup try and change your life and how you view your society and the world you live in.



The Holy Bible ( Genesis 11 vs 1-9 ) 9&version=NIV

Miall H. (2007) Conflict and Context. In: Emergent Conflict and Peaceful Change. Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Bidmos, M.A. (2006) Inter-Religious Dialogue: The Nigerian Experience. Abuja: Panaf Publishing, Inc

Hitti, P.K. (1970) History of the Arabs. London: McMillan Publisher.

Habeebullahi ( 2013 ) on peace_building_inter_religious_dialogue_nigeria


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